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Health Skill Bundle: Advocacy

In this Advocacy mini-unit, students will explore the health skill of advocacy and learn how to advocacy for others and self. Learning how to advocate empowers individuals to enhance their personal well-being, while also giving them the tools to help boost the well-being of others. This is why advocacy is one of the fundamental health skills outlined in the National Health Education Standard (Standard #8).


Included Lessons:


Distance Learning Compatible

This resource is hosted on Google Drive and easily be transferred to your Google Classroom. It features Google Slides edition of the student worksheet and a Google Forms version of the learning station activity. - - Want to learn how to use Project School Wellness resources in your distance learning classroom? Learn how on our blog!


When you download, you’ll receive a full lesson plan with everything you need to teach the lesson, from the beginning of class to the end:

  • Instruction Video - Just for teachers, outlining how to teach the lesson
  • Teaching Guide - A detailed lesson plan
  • Teaching Powerpoints
  • Student Worksheets - They come as PDFs and Google Slides
  • Grading Rubrics and Answer Keys - For quick and meaningful assessments
  • Free updates for life!