Learning how to build and sustain friendships is fundamental! Therefore, it is our responsibility, as teachers, to empower students with the tools needed to navigate social relationships, understand the value of friendship, and learn how to create a thriving life.
Distance Learning Compatible
This resource is hosted on Google Drive™, featuring Google Slides™ edition of student worksheets and can be used with Google Classroom™. - - Want to learn how to use Project School Wellness resources in your distance learning classroom? Learn how on our blog!
These lessons were created to help students navigate their social well-being and empower sustainable health and happiness. These activities are part of the Project School Wellness Curriculum and build upon an understanding of total health and dimensions of health.
Lessons Included
Lessons Come With the Following - No planning and minimal prep!
- Instruction Video - Just for teachers, outlining how to teach the lesson
- Teaching Guide - A detailed lesson plan
- Teaching PowerPoints
- Student Worksheets - Come as PDFs and Google Slides.
- Grading Rubrics and Answer Keys - For quick and meaningful assessments
- Free updates for life!